
An easy way to sharpen a knife like a razor! surprising result

By Lesia


  • Piece of PVC pipe
  • Sandpaper (180 grit, optionally 600 to 1000 grit)
  • Old leather wallet
  • Super glue
  • Cable ties


  1. To start, use the piece of PVC pipe to get started.
  2. Creates a rough surface on the sandpaper.
  3. Cut the sandpaper to the appropriate size.
  4. Apply the role of JOS:
  5. Sand the PVC pipe with super glue.
  6. Sharpen your knives following the same order shown in the video.
  7. Use polishing paste for a flawless finish.
  8. Now, it is time to sharpen the knives or razors, as well as the scissors.

Apply this method and the results will surprise you!

NOTE:  Watch the video to better understand each step of the method.


Choosing sandpaper: Make sure you select sandpaper with the proper grit. For very dull knives, start with a coarser grit (such as 180) and then move to a finer grit (such as 600 to 1000) for a smoother finish.

Proper pressure: When using the sandpaper to sharpen, apply even and constant pressure on the knife blade. Avoid using too much pressure, as this can damage the blade.

Even movements: Make back and forth movements with the knife on the sandpaper evenly. This will help ensure that it sharpens evenly along the entire length of the blade.

Check the blade regularly: Stop the sharpening process periodically to check the blade and make sure it is progressing as you want. This will help you avoid over-sharpening and maintain the correct angle.

Using Polishing Paste: After sharpening with the sandpaper, consider applying polishing paste to get an even smoother and shiny finish on the knife blade.

Mind the angle: Maintain the proper angle between the knife blade and the sandpaper to ensure an even and consistent sharpening. Pay attention to maintaining this angle throughout the sharpening process.

Safety: Always use caution when handling sharp knives and sharpening tools. Wear protective gloves if necessary and keep your fingers away from the sharp edge of the blade during the process.

With these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of the knife sharpening method you’ve described and keep your knives sharp and ready to use.