
9 recipes to make a homemade room freshener

By Lesia

Did you know that you can make it yourself from your home? It will be more economical, adaptable to your personal tastes as well as the essences, so take a look at these 9 recipes to make a homemade room freshener

We all agree that if there is a good aroma we will all be comfortable feeling it since an excellent aroma can convey comfort, joy, freshness, peace , relaxation and much more.

They are easily available in supermarkets or in a flavor store where you will find a lot of variety, although in case you didn’t know, it can be prepared at home to our liking.

9 recipes to make a homemade room freshener

1. Lavender


  • 1 bottle of liquid soap
  • 5 units of blunt wooden sticks
  • 50 ml lavender essence
  • 200 ml grain alcohol
  • 10 ml of fixative
  • 50 ml of water
  • Coloring to taste


  1. We begin by mixing the water, alcohol, the chosen essence, the colorant and fixative until they are well incorporated together in a container with a lid suitable for the freezer and we place it there for 5 days. Or if not, we can leave it in a dry, dark closet for 10 days.
  2. After a few days we can begin to use the flavoring in a clean soap container and place the sticks with the tips facing out where the fresh aroma will be released.

2. Orange Peel Flower


  • Orange or lemon peel
  • Clove to taste
  • Coarse salt
  • Dried leaves and flowers to taste
  • 1 glass container


  1. We roll each orange or lemon peel like a flower. (You have to run the knife in a spiral so that the skin remains whole when peeling the fruit)
  2. We take the glass container (preferably round) and place a two-finger thick layer of salt on the bottom as a base.
  3. On the layer of coarse salt we will place the dried flowers that you have chosen according to your taste.
  4. We decorate with cloves, leaves and dried flowers.

3. Lemon with rosemary


  • 1 glass jar (Like jam jar)
  • 1 ceramic fondue device
  • Necessary amount of water (Enough to fill a pot)
  • sliced ​​apple
  • 1 sprig of fresh rosemary
  • Lemon slices


  1. We take the very clean jar and add the very thin slices of apple, the lemon slices and also the sprig of rosemary inside.
  2. We heat water until it boils and we will place it in the pot until it covers the fruits and rosemary.
    We prepare the ceramic base of the oven or fondue and light a candle below.
  3. We place the pot in the appliance where the pan goes and we will let it perfume as it exhales while the water evaporates.

4. Lemon, cedar and pine


  • 1 glass jar
  • Slices of 1 lemon
  • Cedar leaves to taste
  • Pine branches to taste
  • 400 ml of water


  1. In a pot we will place water, lemon slices, cedar leaves and pine branches.
  2. After everything boils, we turn off the heat.
  3. We let it cool to room temperature and pour it into the glass jar.
  4. If we want to add more lemon and leaves, we can do so and place it in a corner of the bathroom of the house.

5. Jasmine scent


  • 1 glass bottle with lid
  • 1 funnel
  • 100 ml of distilled water
  • 100 ml cereal alcohol
  • 30 drops of jasmine oil
  • Wooden sticks
  • Food coloring of the color we choose


  1. We will use the funnel to pour the cereal alcohol into the glass bottle.
    We add the drops of jasmine oil, the distilled water and a few drops of the coloring that we have chosen.
  2. We cover the bottle and mix gently and let it rest for 3 days.
  3. After these days we will open the bottle of our homemade air freshener and place the sticks with the tips facing up.

6. Scent of roses


  • 1 glass container
  • 1 funnel
  • 100 ml of distilled water
  • 100 ml cereal alcohol
  • 30 drops of rose oil
  • Wood sticks
  • Red colorant


  1. We add the grain alcohol to the glass container using the funnel, then the drops of rose oil, the distilled water and the drops of red food coloring.
  2. Now we seal the container well and mix very gently.
  3. We let it rest for 3 days.
  4. Then we will open our air freshener and place the sticks so that the perfume is dispersed throughout the home environment.

7. Blackberry flavor


  • 750 ml grain alcohol
  • 100 ml of distilled water
  • 100 ml blackberry essence
  • 1 glass container
  • Wooden sticks
  • Purple, blue or red dye


  1. In a medium pot we place the distilled water together with the blackberry essence and bring it to medium heat and as soon as it boils we turn it off.
  2. Then we let it cool to room temperature.
  3. We transfer the mixture to the glass container, wait 24 hours and we can start using it.

8. Cinnamon flavor


  • 1 glass container
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 400 ml of water


  1. In a small saucepan we will boil the water with the cinnamon over moderate heat.
  2. Then we pour the mixture into a glass container and it is ready to start using.

9. Eucalyptus scent


  • 1 glass container
  • 30 drops of eucalyptus essence
  • 400 ml of water


  1. In a small saucepan, place the water and eucalyptus essence and bring it to a boil.
  2. Let it cool and then pour the mixture into a glass jar.