
Physiotherapist shows simple movements that eliminate pain and correct flat feet!

By Lilia

You guessed it, up to 50% of the population suffers from foot pain, which makes everyday life unpleasant in various ways.

The pain can take many forms, but the causes are mostly the same – bad shoes, tendon overload caused by repetitive motion, growths, excess weight or overuse.

The pain can shoot to the hips or lower spine and can afflict even young people.

If you belong to this group, you should know some simple movements that can help really quickly and bring relief for a long time.

There are several ways to relieve pain, one of the most effective is obviously proper movement – simple exercises that provide not only pain relief, but also a longer-term correction.

Exercise in a sitting position

Stretching while sitting is very practical because you can do it comfortably even at work. Proceed as follows:

Passing through the bottle

Take a mineral water bottle, fill it with water and close it tightly.

Place it under your foot and roll it back and forth for a few minutes.

Do the exercise on each leg separately. 

Repeat at least 15 times for each leg. The movement is very pleasant, it acts like a massage.


Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you, roll up a towel and grab it by the ends.

Fold the center and over the middle of the foot and begin to pull slowly.

The legs lean back and the towel is rolled up to the toes.

Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, then push forward with your toes again and the towel will roll back to the center of your feet.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Picking up a pencil with fingers

This is an extremely easy exercise – place a pencil on the ground and stand in front of it.

Try to grab it and lift it with your toes.

Hold it for 10 seconds and then release it back to the ground.

If you find it difficult to hold the pencil, you can also hold up a towel instead.

Exercise until you begin to feel the pain subside in another part of the body that is bothering you.

If the pain does not subside immediately after the first exercise, repeat it like the other exercises every day for at least a few minutes on each leg.

Exercise in a standing position

Stand with both feet together. Bend one leg at the knee and place it in front of you.

Keep the other leg extended behind you.

Lean forward to stretch the muscles of the leg that is stretched behind you.

Repeat the exercise 3 times on each side.

Walking on tiptoes

This is a simple exercise that you can do during normal housework or when you go to check the mailbox, for example.

Just walk on your toes for 10-15 minutes – as long as you can stand it.

In this way, you will strengthen the arch of the foot, strengthen the front part of the foot and avoid unpleasant cramps.

A healthy arch = a healthy foot

You may remember this exercise from your childhood. 

It’s just a matter of trying to bend the toes as much as possible inside the foot.

This exercise has an incredible antispasmodic effect, strengthens the arch and prevents severe leg pain. 

Repeat 15 times for each leg.

Massage with a tennis ball

Excellent for regenerating the feet and adjusting the ankle position.

Do as often as possible in the evening before going to bed. Sit down and place your foot on a tennis shoe.

Move the shoe from the heel to the toes.

This is the easiest way for healthy feet, and very pleasant. Do this exercise in front of the TV, for example.

Burning leg pain – faster help!

A growth on the leg can make your life really uncomfortable.

The piercing pain accompanies you literally at every step. As a rule, it appears after overloading and inflammation of the flat tendon of the foot.

It usually develops gradually and manifests itself from time to time with mild pain.

But then there is sudden, sharp and intense pain that occurs when standing up, walking and resting.

It can also occur with age, as aging reduces the flexibility of the foot and ligaments, as well as the layer of subcutaneous fat that protects the heel from mechanical damage.

If you are suffering from this problem, these effective home remedies will surely come in handy to get rid of your pain.

1. Foot bath

We need:

50 ml of coconut oil

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon of baking soda


Oil, vinegar and soda are poured into the vessel. Mix until a homogeneous paste is formed. Store in a place away from sunlight. 

Always apply this paste on the sore area at night before going to bed and massage gently. Finally, put on tighter socks and leave it like that all night. 

In the morning you will already feel pain relief. 

For a better effect, you can consume a paste of 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. 

Use at least 7 days. This treatment can completely relieve you from pain.

Why does this treatment work?

– Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that softens the skin on the heels, thus relieving pain.

– Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy that removes excess calcium, relieves pain and reduces inflammation.

– Baking soda is a home remedy that also helps reduce calcium deposits in the heels. It also reduces inflammation and pain.

2. Ice

Ice is known to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. 

Apply an ice pack to the heel bone for about 15 minutes and repeat the process if necessary. 

However, applying ice is only temporary help. Do not apply ice directly to the skin.

3. Banana peel

Place the banana peel on the sore spot and let it work. Cabbage leaf poultice works just as well.

If the pain does not go away and your condition does not improve, see a doctor.