
The most powerful cleansing in 7 days: cleanses the liver, allergies and rejuvenates the face

By Lilia

Beetroot is a vegetable with high nutritional value that contributes a lot to our health and even helps to clean the body very effectively.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with its action and break your resistance to it.

When you try this recipe, you will realize that it is a very tasty vegetable when prepared correctly.

It hides wonderful things in itself

The content of B vitamins (mainly B9 – folic acid) and C, as well as provitamin A (beta-carotene) should not be neglected.

It is important above all because of the content of minerals – calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium, etc.

It also contains proteins, sugars, fiber and above all the important antioxidant betanin.

Not only the tubers (roots) have a medicinal effect, but also the leaves, which can be used for salad or prepared similarly to spinach.

The best way to preserve the nutrients is to eat beets raw, such as thinly sliced.

Even cooked beets still retain many of their beneficial properties, so we don’t have to worry about the effects, even if we don’t like raw beets.

It’s important to use beets grown at home in the garden or purchased organically because these vegetables like to leach nitrates and other pollutants from the soil.

What effect do beets have on health?

The fibers contained in beets improve digestion and cleanse the intestines.

Beetroot also helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases – it reduces not only high blood pressure, but also bad cholesterol, regenerates blood vessels and improves their strength and flexibility.

It also helps in the fight against varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

The contained silicon has a positive effect on the skin (mainly on its elasticity), hair, nails, bones and connective tissue.

It has an antirheumatic effect.

Potassium has a diuretic effect – removes water and acidic substances from the body.

In general, beets stimulate the metabolism and help with weight loss.

Beetroot – detox

Among the effects of beetroot is the regeneration of the liver, which can be used not only in case of drug, alcohol or drug overload.

It also removes poisonous substances from the brain and has an overall effect on the nervous system, thereby speeding up the recovery of patients who have suffered from tick-borne encephalitis or Lyme disease.

In addition, the contained betanin and tryptophan relieve stress and calm.

Cleansing the liver with beets

If you want to cleanse the body of harmful substances, carry out a so-called detoxification, prepare this drink and drink it 3 times a day, 200 ml, chilled, preferably for 7 days.

We need:

2 small heads of raw beets

2 apples

2 carrots


1. Grate the raw beetroot, carrot and apple, put them in a blender

2. Pour 600 ml. water and mix everything

3. Pour into a glass bowl and put in the fridge to cool.


It is drunk 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening, 200 ml each.

Stir the drink well with a spoon before drinking it.

Based on the experience of some readers, we recommend starting with a 1/2 dose to get your body used to it… when you overdo it at first, someone may also feel sick, the liver cleanse is also strong and the body has no to be able to deal with it.

There are people who overdo it right from the start in order to get clean as soon as possible.

In this case, though, there’s really no need to overdo it.

It should also be remembered that beets lower blood pressure.

Colon cleansing with beets

Beets are an excellent food for cleansing the intestines.

It is a source of high-quality fiber and contains pectin polysaccharides, which are considered effective in cleaning the digestive tract and maintaining bowel movements.


Beets not only support the health of the colon and digestive system by facilitating emptying, but also support the body’s overall detoxification mechanisms.

Colon Cleansing Beetroot Juice Recipe

Ingredients for 2-4 servings

-3 carrots (without peel)

-1 beetroot (without the peel)

-2 red apples (washed and chopped)

– 6 leaves of kale

-2 cm piece of ginger root

-½ lemon (without peel)


-If you don’t have a juicer, just use a blender filled with one to two cups of water.

-If using a juicer, be sure to stir the mixture with a spoon.

-If you used a blender, be sure to strain the mixture and stir with a spoon.

– Serve with ice.