
How to prepare the most powerful natural insecticide for the home against ants, spiders and mosquitoes

By Lesia

The idea of ​​using commercial insecticides can be concerning due to the potential negative effects on health and the environment.

Fortunately, there are natural solutions that can be just as effective in fighting insects such as mosquitoes, ants, spiders and termites. Here is a step-by-step guide to making a natural DIY insecticide .

Necessary ingredients

  1. Lemon eucalyptus essential oil : effective against mosquitoes.
  2. Peppermint essential oil : repels ants and spiders.
  3. Cedar essential oil : useful against termites.
  4. White vinegar : natural repellent for many insects.
  5. Liquid Marseille soap : helps evenly distribute essential oils.
  6. Water : as the basis of the solution.


  • One 500ml spray bottle.
  • A measuring cup.
  • A funnel.

Preparation of the insecticide

  1. Prepare the Base
    • Fill half of the spray bottle with water (approximately 250 ml).
  2. Add scetum and soap
    • Add 125 ml of white vinegar. This ingredient not only helps repel insects but also acts as a cleaning agent.
    • Add 2 tablespoons of liquid Marseille soap. The soap helps distribute the essential oils evenly in the solution.
  3. Incorporate the essential oils
    • Add 20 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil. This oil is particularly effective against mosquitoes.
    • Add 20 drops of peppermint essential oil. This oil is known to repel ants and spiders.
    • Add 20 drops of cedar essential oil. This oil is an excellent termite deterrent.
  4. Complete the solution
    • Fill the bottle with water until it reaches the maximum capacity. Shake the bottle well to mix all the ingredients.

Instructions for use

  • For mosquitoes : Spray the solution in areas where mosquitoes are most present, such as near windows, doors and balconies. It can also be sprayed on the skin, but it is advisable to test on a small area first to avoid allergic reactions.
  • For ants : Spray along ant paths and at entry points such as doors and windows.
  • For spiders : Spray in corners, around windows and in places where cobwebs are most frequently seen.
  • For termites : Spray directly on wooden furniture, around the foundation of the house and in areas where termites are suspected.

Creating a natural DIY insecticide is an effective and safe way to keep your home free from annoying insects such as mosquitoes, ants, spiders and termites.

By using natural ingredients, you not only protect your health and the environment, but you can also enjoy a better smelling and cleaner home.